Monday, May 18, 2009

The Ferris Project

So my collaboration with Ryan Ferris has been on the backburner for a long time. We're both in other bands that play quite a bit so it's just a side thing we do. It really has almost no direction, except that we are both trying to break some new ground as musicians. I am trying to take a more active role in the songwriting process, contributing lyrics and helping to shape the musical arrangement. Also, I've always wanted to develop my singing ability. I'm really looking to make music with lush vocal harmonies, and I figure a good place to start is with my own voice. I'm finding that my voice has improved drastically in the last few months, simply from harmonizing. Ryan has been good enough to teach me some vocal parts he had written for his song, and then practice with me until I got it. Most bands just haven't had the time or patience for this, either you can sing or you can't and that's the end of it.
Anyways all of this is fresh in my mind because we had a really great session this afternoon. Another thing I've noticed about music is that you can't judge the potential of a particular band configuration right away. At first, I was mainly in it for the enjoyment and the laughs. But then the songs start to cross the hump and really sound like good tunes. The band starts to take shape and take on a life of it's own. That is a great feeling.
The best piece of advice I can give to any other musicians at this point is to stick with it. Maybe you were in a band that was functioning at a very high level, and now you're in a new one that doesn't seem as good. Give it time, and effort. It will happen.

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