Friday, January 9, 2009

Chris Hubbard

My friend Chris Hubbard is, among other things, the keyboard player for Scotland Barr. Anyway, he's just released a couple of solo improvisation albums. Now think about that for a second, solo improv. As Chris puts it, "these songs didn't exist until milliseconds before they were recorded." He literaly sat down, rolled tape, and started playing. You can listen to a few samples @ and I must say even if you only take a few minutes it's definitly worth your time.

See, the thing is this: genuine talent is something you don't encounter everyday. And creativity should be rewarded. If you could make a pie chart of stuff that we value throughout history, creative people are probably responsible for 90% of it.

Of course I've always known Chris as a very talented musician, but this is the first time I've ever heard anything he's written. I'm very impressed, and it's actually given me even more motivation to spend as much time as possible creating and playing music - the finest for of art.

There's a lot of stuff out there you can spend your time and money on, and truthfully most of it sucks. We all know it. So if you have the ability to contribute something which doesn't suck, by all means do it. And if you can't, just make a point to enjoy something worthwhile. Often the only reward the artist ever gets is knowing that someone somewhere appreciated their efforts.

And go Blazers!

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