Monday, April 27, 2009

RIP Ray Kostenborder

My cousin Ray died last Saturday night. The story is he was at his apartment and his gun accidentally went off, but it is suspicious and the cops are investigating. We weren't real close, which I regret. He was really into Gangsta Rap. I remember a couple years ago, he was trying to get some money together to cut a demo. He said he had some contacts lined up and some things in the works and was looking for $1000 to get it done. We (meaning my dad, uncle, and cousins) all had a good laugh about this. Of course, no one from my family gave him the money. I don't know if he ever got it and honestly I'm not sure if he was any good or not because I never took the time to listen.
Now here I am, trying to make a run at the music business myself. I look back on that instance with great regret. Everyone tells you it's an impossible dream, and that you should just study hard in school and get a job in an office somewhere. Or in the case of my family, strap on some nail bags and swing a hammer for 40 years.
I guess what I'm saying is, if you ever have someone come to you with a dream, and they're not asking for much, and you're in a position to help- HELP THEM! What would it have hurt if someone would've believe in Ray and given him a $1000, or even a few hundred? He was just a kid. When people are 40, it's time to stop chasing the dream. But when you're 20 (or even 28), why not cut someone a break and encourage them to take a shot?!
Who knows what would've happened, but if I had it to do over again I'd give whatever I could spare, even if it was only $100. Art is something that is cherished by humanity more than just about anything else, and yet whenever anyone says they want to create are they are nearly always met with rejection from their friends and family.


  1. Just ran across your blog. I was Ray's sound engineer for nearly a year, since he got out of prison. I just put up a page in remembrance today. I'm sorry you weren't attune to his music, I'm sure you would have appreciated it. I put a song that we recorded up on He's the last rapper on there. Take a listen and leave a comment for his family. -Hamil

  2. I hadn't heard of this until just now. I knew Ray before I knew he was a relative or yours. You know the story. Anyhow, I hope he had a good life up to this abrupt end. I knew when I met him he seemed to definitely be in troubled times.
